School Calendar
- Monday, February 24
- Tuesday, February 25
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27
- Friday, February 28
The 2024-2025 giving period has ended.
Thank you for your support!
Please Click Here for Giving Levels
**Please Note that your PTO Membership is included with your Cougar Contributors Donation. Donations must be submitted by September 15, 2024 for full Pumpkin Run registration and t-shirt benefits**
2024-2025 Cougar Contributors
We would like to invite you to join the Crestline Elementary PTO’s Cougar Contributors. Cougar Contributors provide Crestline parents and businesses an opportunity to support our school with 100% of the tax-deductible contributions going directly back to the school.
As you already know, our tax dollars cover the needs of our schools, but not the extras. Your generosity helps make Crestline Elementary the special and academically rigorous school that it is. Every dollar is spent to enrich the education of the students at Crestline. Last year, the PTO used funds from the Cougar Contributors to:
- Provide STEM resources and technology accessories for our classrooms
- Provide new front office furniture
- Provide each homeroom teacher with $400 for additional classroom supplies
- Provide funds for school-wide events, like Fall Festival, the Veteran's Day program and Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
- Provide professional development for teachers and administrators
- Provide stipends for our Robotics, Enrichment and Student Council programs
- New for the 2024-2025 School Year!
- Blue lockers for the PreK, K, 1st and 2nd grade halls
- Furniture for the Counselors' rooms
- Refrigerator for the Kindergarten hall "Kiddie Kitchen"
- Tables for the Spanish classroom
- Hallway decor including paintings/murals with a Cougar Strong theme.
For more information and to contribute to the Cougar Contributors, please click the proper link at the top of this page.
All donations must be received by September 30, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Rhonda Hennessy.
Thank you in advance for your support and consideration.
Rhonda Hennessy, Cougar Contributors Fundraising Chair
Rebecca Hughes, Cougar Contributors Fundraising Co-Chair
Jessica Donald, PTO President
Marye Beasley Kohn, PTO President-Elect
To become a Cougar Contributor, choose a giving level and check out. You have two options for payment:
Paying online with a credit card, which will include a 3% processing fee.
- Paying with a check. Complete the same process as paying online, but select "pay with check" at checkout. Then mail your check to Cougar PTO, PO Box 130088, Birmingham, Al 35213.
- If necessary, you can click HERE to print form and mail along with your check to Cougar PTO, PO Box 130088, Birmingham, AL 35213
Cougar Contributor Levels are below, and you can read the benefits for each level HERE
GOLD LEVEL ($1,000)
2023-2024 Donors